09 December 2010

Fatih dah Graduate 8th Month Milestone???

Ok, Mr Google kata, by 8 months, baby should achieve all these milestones and should be able to . . .

Start crawling - Checked at 7 mo
Sit without support - checkED at 7 and 1/2 mo
Pass object from one hand to the other - checked recently
Respond to own name - checked earliest by 5 mo
Mouth and chew on objects - check reecently
Reach for spoon when being fed - Not even spoon, he dumped his face onto the food!!!
Turn away when finished eating - checked
Say mama and dada to both parents (usually isn’t specific) - Mama & Papa actually! and also his name... teh2

Something extra for him:

Stand while holding on to something - checked @ 7 mo
Crawl well - check @ 7 mo
Pull up to standing position from sitting - checked @ 8 mo
Walk holding onto furniture - recently
Clap and bang objects together - checked
Separation and stranger anxiety may begin - begun @ his 1st day at nursery
Stand alone momentarily - sometimes
Wave goodbye - yup2!
Understand the word no (but usually doesn’t obey it) - agree!!! now Fatih is playing with his new toy a.k.a Iron!!! waaaaaa

Alhamdulillah, Fatih, you're now graduated from your 8th months milestone.. well done my baby!!

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