25 January 2011

Milestone @ 10 months

Most babies should be able to . . .

Stand holding on to someone or something (Checked)
Walk holding onto furniture (Checked)
Pull up to standing position from sitting (Checked)
Wave goodbye (Checked)
Crawl well (Checked)
Use thumb and finger pincer grasp to pick things up (Checked)

Some babies will probably be able to . . .

Say mama and dada to the right parents (Checked)
Understand the word no but doesn’t always obey it (Checked)
Respond to own name (Checked)
Indicate what he or she wants with gestures other than crying (Checked)
Stand alone momentarily (Checked)

Some babies could possibly be able to . . .

Drink from a cup independently (Checked)
Stand alone well (on going process)
Play ball and patty cake (Checked)
Walk for a step or two (not yet!!!)
Say one word other than mama or dada (Not really clear)
Put toys or object into a container (Checked)

Alhamdulillah.. good job my baby!!! Source : Here

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